產品名稱: RHP-W系列掛墻式溫濕度露點變送器產品型號: RHP-W系列
The Series RHP-W Wall Mount Humidity/Temperature/Dew Point Transmitter is the most versatile room transmitter on the market. The stylish housing is well vented to provide air flow across the sensor to improve measurement accuracy. An optional LCD display can be integral to the transmitter or a remote display can be ordered for building balancing or LEED® validation. The LCD display indicates the ambient temperature along with the humidity or dew point. The transmitter has internal dip switches to select the temperature engineering units and whether the transmitter outputs humidity or dew point.
The humidity and temperature sensors are field replaceable to reduce service cost and inventory. The humidity and the dew point are measured using a capacitive polymer sensor that completely recovers from 100% saturation. The humidity and dew point can have either a current or voltage output, while the optional temperature output can be a current, voltage, RTD or thermistor. For models with current or voltage for the temperature output, the temperature range is field selectable.
濕度范圍: Range: 0 to 100% RH.
溫度范圍:-40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C) for thermistor and RTD sensors. -20 to 140°F (-28.9 to 60°C) for solid state temperature sensors.
露點溫度范圍: -20 to 140°F (-28.9 to 60°C); 0 to 100°F (-17.8 to 37.8°C); 40 to 90°F (4.4 to 32.3°C); -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) field selectable ranges.
精度: RH: Model RHP2 ±2% 10-90% RH @ 25°C, Model RHP3 ±3% 20-80% RH @ 25°C; Thermistor Temperature Sensor: ±0.4°F @ 77°F (±0.22°C @ 25°C); RTD Temperature Sensor: DIN Class B; ±0.54°F @ 32°F (±0.3°C @ 0°C); Solid State Temperature Sensor: ±0.9°F @ 72°F (±0.3°C @ 25°C).
重復性: ±0.1% typical.
溫度: Operating: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C); Storage: -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).
Compensated Temperature Range: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).
4-20 mA Loop Powered Models: Power Requirements: 10-35 VDC. Output Signal: 4-20 mA, 2 channels for humidity/solid state temperature sensor models (loop powered on RH). Switch selectable RH/dew point. Switch selectable normal or reverse output.
0-5/10V Output Models: Power Requirements: 15-35 VDC or 15-29 VAC. Output Load: 5 mA max., 2 channels for humidity/solid state temperature sensor models. Switch selectable 0-10V/2-10V or 0-5V/1-5V output. Switch selectable RH/dew point. Switch selectable normal or reverse output.
Solid State Temperature Sensor Output Ranges: Switch selectable, -20 to 140°F (-28.9 to 60°C); 0 to 100°F (-17.8 to 37.8°C); 40 to 90°F (4.4 to 32.3°C); -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).
響應時間: 15 seconds.
電氣連接: Screw terminal block.
漂移:<1% RH/year.
RH 傳感器: Capacitance polymer.
封裝材質: White polycarbonate.
顯示: Optional LCD, backlit on 0-5/10V models. Switch selectable %RH or dew point, °F/°C.
顯示分辨率: RH: 1%; Temperature: 0.1°F (0.1°C); Dew Point: 1°F (1°C).
重量:0.3 lb (0.14 kg).
認證: CE.
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二、性能參數(shù)測溫范圍-55—+125℃,精度:±0.5℃,重復誤差±0.2℃。測濕范圍5%—99%RH(非結露),精度:±3%RH,重復誤差±1%RH。露點精度:±2℃。三、接口參數(shù)◆ 電源:外接電源 8-30VDC◆ 接口:采用485標準接口◆ 傳輸速率:9.6kbps◆ 傳輸距離:1200 m以上◆ 尺寸:97mm×77mm×25mm◆ 使用環(huán)境:-25℃-70℃,相對濕度為5%-95%
D09861T 帶顯示溫濕度露點變送器高溫 |
相對濕度:0-98%RH/±2%RH溫度:-50~200℃/±2℃露點:-60—+100℃濕球溫度:-50—+200℃干球溫度:-50—+200℃絕對濕度:0—1999gr/m3混合率:0—1999gr/kg濕度輸出:雙通道4—20mA以上參數(shù)任意選濕度探頭溫度:-30—+130℃防護等級:IP64負載:小于600歐姆供電:24VAC/VDC或230VAC工作溫度:變送器:-5—+50℃ |
上海亞仕成電腦科技有限公司是從事弱電系統(tǒng)布線工程、自動控制系統(tǒng)和儀器儀表的研發(fā)、生產和銷售的高科技專業(yè)公司。主要從事建筑智能化系統(tǒng)集成、空調潔凈間恒溫恒濕控制系統(tǒng)集成和各類工業(yè)自控及儀器儀表產品的研發(fā)及代理銷售。 其產品有:德國SIEMENS、芬蘭VAISALA、美國Honeywell公司和KMC公司的全線產品,其產品廣泛應用于樓宇控制系統(tǒng)BAS和潔凈間空調自控系統(tǒng)等。在工業(yè)自動化儀器儀表方面,主要代理美國Dwyer、德國BeCk、美國AUtoTran、日本Shinyei等公司產品,包括壓力/壓力差開關、壓力/壓差變送器、壓力/壓差表、溫/濕度傳感器、液位、流量開關及變送器、二氧化碳傳感器等,廣泛應用于暖通、空調、食品、制藥、生物工程、智能樓宇、電廠、化工、水處理、環(huán)境監(jiān)測、工業(yè)制造等領域,是國際上相關領域內的性/價比的主流產品。 常用型號如下: 2000-60PA 0-60Pa, 2300-60PA,0-±30Pa 2300-120PA,0-±60Pa、 2000-125PA0,-125Pa、 2300-250PA,0--±125Pa、 2000-125PA,0-250Pa、 2300-500PA,0-±250Pa、 2000-500PA,0-500Pa、 2000-750PA,0-750Pa 英寸水柱 量程 Pa或kPa 2000-0D 0-0.5 0-125 Pa 2001D 0-1.0 0-250 Pa 2002D 0-2.0 0-500 Pa 2003D 0-3.0 0-700 Pa 2004D 0-0.4 0-1.0 kPa 2006D 0-6.0 0-1.5 kPa 2008D 0-8.0 0-2.0 kPa 20010D 0-10 0-2.5 kPa 風 速 每分鐘英尺 2000-00+ 0-0.25 2300-0+ 0.25-0-0.25 2000-00AV 0-0.25/300-2000 2000-0+ 0-0.50 2301 0.5-0-0.5 2000-0AV 0-0.50/500-2800 2001 0-1.0 2302 1.0-0-1.0 2001AV 0-1.0/500-4000 2002 0-2.0 2304 2.0-0-2.0 2002AV 0-2.0/1000-5600 2003 0-3.0 2310 5.0-0-5.0 2010AV 0-10/2000-12500 2004 0-4.0 2320 10.0-0-10.0 配合皮托管使用 2005 0-5.0 2330 15.0-0-15.0 型 號 量 程 毫米水柱 2006 0-6.0 型 號 量 程 PSI 2000-6MM+ 0-6.0 2008 0-8.0 2201 0-1.0 2000-10MM 0-10.0 2010 0-10.0 2202 0-2.0 2000-25MM 0-25.0 2015 0-15.0 2203 0-3.0 2000-50MM 0-50.0 2020 0-20.0 2204 0-4.0 2000-80MM 0-80.0 2025 0-25.0 2205 0-5.0 2000-100MM 0-100.0 2030 0-30.0 2210* 0-10.0 以零點為中心正負壓 2040 0-40.0 2215* 0-15.0 2300-20MM+ 10.0-0-10.0 2050 0-50.0 2220* 0-20.0 特殊應用目的量程 2060 0-60. dh100acdclp dh100acdclpa
------------上海創(chuàng)儀實業(yè)有限公司 地址: 上海漕溪路251弄望族城4號1904室漕寶路地鐵2號口 郵編: 200235 MSN: Hewei001@126.com QQ : 33852705 電話: 137615O9375 何偉
EE30EX系列 本安型溫濕度變送器