詳細介紹:南京三盟科技有限公司專業(yè)研制生產(chǎn)SMIV系列電壓變送器(交、直流,超低價格)功能:精確測量交流或者直流電壓,將被測電壓轉變?yōu)榕c輸入電壓呈線性關系的標準的直流信號。型號:SMIVxxACE/DCE-Pn-On/D22,SMIVxxACE/DCE-Pn-On/F11.輸入:各種量程(0-20KV)2.精度等級:0.1,0.2,0.53.電源(Pn):P1:24VDC, P2:12VDC, P3:15VDC, P4:220VAC 50/60HZ, P5:85-265V AC/DC,P6:5VDC P7:其他4.輸出(On): O1:4-20mA, O2:0-20mA, O3:1-5V, O4:0-5V, O5:0-10V, O6:0-4V, O7:用戶自定義電壓變送器的測量方式:接入測量電壓變送器的安裝:35mm導軌安裝(75×22.5×105)或螺孔安裝(82×58×50)電壓變送器的特點:1.國際標準電流信號輸出,直接連接PLC等,輸出電流與負載無關2.電流輸出,高過載能力,抗干擾能力強3.適合于遠距離傳輸4.的性能價格比,為用戶省去了電壓互感器5.快速響應,無擊穿現(xiàn)象6.初級與次級高度隔離7.外形小巧,安裝方便8.競爭力的價格,節(jié)省大量成本,真正的超低價格!9.廣泛的應用在電力、電源、石化、油田、冶金、自控等各個需要電量測控的行業(yè)選型:SMIVxxAC交流電壓變送器 SMIVxxDC直流電壓變送器 SMIV3-xxAC三組合交流電壓變送器 SMIV3-xxDC三組合直流電壓變送器
的專營進口軸承銷售的企業(yè)之一,該公司是ZARN50110-L-TV軸承FAG授權代理商,專業(yè)銷售各種進口軸承,主營品牌以瑞典SKF進口軸承軸承型號查詢、德國FAG和INA、SKF軸承型號查詢日本NSK、美國TIMKEN為主等國際知名品牌的進口軸承。歡迎來電咨詢ZARN50110-L-TV軸承尺寸、價格、技術支持或同型號其他品牌替換等詳細資料!如果您對FAGZARN50110-L-TV軸承有疑問,請聯(lián)系我們獲取更多ZARN50110-L-TV軸承的最新信息 FAG軸承。FAG供應商供應的產(chǎn)品主要用于機械制造、汽車、農(nóng)機、機床輕工日本IKO軸承、冶金、礦山機械、石油化工、等各行各業(yè)之中。聯(lián)系方式:電話 : 傳真: NADELLA滑塊ZARN50110-L-TV軸承 ZARN50110-L-TV軸承價格 ZARN50110-L-TV軸承尺寸ZARN50110-L-TV軸承報價 ZARN50110-L-TV軸承圖片NADELLA軸承 【ZARN50110-L-TV軸承】尺寸參數(shù)表:軸承型號:ZARN50110-L-TV軸承內徑:50 mm 外徑:110 mm 厚度:17,5 mm 品牌:FAG軸承系列:滾針/推力圓柱滾子軸承NADELLA線性模塊 上海東晟軸承有限公司提供FAG軸承ZARN50110-L-TV的軍工、針織機械、紡織輔助設備、氣動焊機、電泳槽、等技術參數(shù)。我公司本著“ 專業(yè)放心” 是我們的服務宗旨。為客戶提供快速、FAG軸承便捷、優(yōu)質、專業(yè)的軸承型號查詢服務。我公司愿與您在平等互利的基礎上真誠合作共圖發(fā)展大計。推薦型號:NTNNUP2216軸承 NUP2217 NTN NUP2218E軸承 NTN NUP2218 NTNNUP2219E NTNNUP2219軸承 NUP2220E 14118/14276-B軸承 26118-S/26283-B 3190/3120-B軸承 17119/17244-B M86649/M86611-B軸承 2558/2523-B 3187/3120-B軸承 3191/3120-B 62302.2RSR NU2204R軸承 639/632-B 61801-RS軸承 22352RHAKW33 6056M軸承 IKO軸承 德國NADELLA滑塊 公司網(wǎng)站:http://www.bearings365.comhttp://www.zcsearch.com參考資料:
1Human Activin A (ACV-A)ELISA KitCatalog No. CSB-E04486h(96T) This immunoassay kit allows for the in vitro quantitative determination of humanACV-A concentrations in serum, plasma. Expiration date six months from the date of manufacture FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES.2PRINCIPLE OF THE ASSAYThe microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with anantibody specific to ACV-A. Standards or samples are then addedto the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a HorseradishPeroxidase (HRP)-conjugated antibody preparation specific forACV-A and incubated. Then substrate solution A and B are addedto each well. Only those wells that contain ACV-A, HRP-conjugatedantibody will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substratereaction is terminated by the addition of a sulphuric acid solutionand the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at awavelength of 450 nm ± 2 nm. The concentration of ACV-A in thesamples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samplesto the standard curve.DETECTION RANGE66.6 pg/ml-2000 pg/ml. The standard curve concentrations used forthe ELISA’s were 2000 pg/ml, 1000 pg/ml, 500 pg/ml, 166.6pg/ml,66.6pg/ml.SPECIFICITYThis assay recognizes human ACV-A. No significantcross-reactivity or interference was observed.3SENSITIVITYThe minimum detectable dose of human ACV-A is typically lessthan 16.7 pg/ml.The sensitivity of this assay, or Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) wasdefined as the lowest concentration that could be differentiatedfrom zero.MATERIALS PROVIDEDReagent QuantityAssay plate 1Standard(S1-S5) 5HRP-conjugate 1 x 6 mlWash Buffer1 x 15 ml(20×concentrate)Substrate A 1 x 7 mlSubstrate B 1 x 7 mlStop Solution 1 x 7 mlStandard S1 S2 S3 S4 S5Concentration(pg/ml)66.6 166.6 500 1000 20004STORAGE1. Unopened test kits should be stored at 2-8C upon receipt andthe microtiter plate should be kept in a sealed bag. The test kitmay be used throughout the expiration date of the kit, provided itis stored as prescribed above. Refer to the package label for theexpiration date.2. Opened test plate should be stored at 2-8C in the aluminum foilbag with desiccants to minimize exposure to damp air. The kitswill remain stable until the expiring date shown, provided it isstored as prescribed above.3. A microtiter plate reader with a bandwidth of 10 nm or less andan optical density range of 0-3 OD or greater at 450nmwavelength is acceptable for use in absorbance measurement.REAGENT PREPARATION1. Bring all reagents and plate to room temperature for at least 30minutes before use. Unused wells need store at 2-8°C andavoid sunlight.2. Wash Buffer If crystals have formed in the concentrate, warmto room temperature and mix gently until the crystals havecompletely dissolved. Dilute 15 ml of Wash Buffer Concentrateinto deionized or distilled water to prepare 300 ml of WashBuffer.5OTHER SUPPLIES REQUIRED Microplate reader capable of measuring absorbance at 450 nm,with the correction wavelength set at 540 nm or 570 nm. Pipettes and pipette tips. Deionized or distilled water. Squirt bottle, manifold dispenser, or automated microplatewasher. An incubator which can provide stable incubation conditions upto 37°C±0.5°C.SAMPLE COLLECTION AND STORAGE Serum Use a serum separator tube (SST) and allow samplesto clot for 30 minutes before centrifugation for 15 minutes at1000 g. Remove serum and assay immediately or aliquot andstore samples at -20°C. Centrifuge the sample again afterthawing before the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Plasma Collect plasma using citrate, EDTA, or heparin as ananticoagulant. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 1000 g within 30minutes of collection. Assay immediately or aliquot and storesamples at -20°C. Centrifuge the sample again after thawingbefore the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.Note: Grossly hemolyzed samples are not suitable for use in this assay.6ASSAY PROCEDUREBring all reagents and samples to room temperature before use. It is recommendedthat all samples, standards, and controls be assayed in duplicate. All the reagentsshould be added directly to the liquid level in the well. The pipette should avoidcontacting the inner wall of the well.1. Standard Reconstitute the Standards with 0.5 ml of ddH2O,respectively. Allow the standard to sit for a minimum of 15minutes with gentle agitation prior to use.2. Set a Blank well without any solution. Add 50μl of Standard orSample per well. Standard need test in duplicate.3. Add 50μl of HRP-conjugate to each well (not to Blank well).Mix well and then incubate for 1 hour at 37°C.4. Complete remove the liquid. Then fill each well with WashBuffer (about 200μl), stay for 10 seconds and Spinning. Repeatthe process for a total of three washes. Complete removal ofliquid at each step is essential to good performance. After thelast wash, remove any remaining Wash Buffer by aspirating ordecanting. Invert the plate and blot it against clean papertowels.5. Add 50μl of Substrate A and 50μl of Substrate B to each well,mix well. Incubate for 15 minutes at 37°C. Keeping the plateaway from drafts and other temperature fluctuations in the dark.76. Add 50μl of Stop Solution to each well when the first four wellscontaining the highest concentration of standards developobvious blue color. If color change does not appear uniform,gently tap the plate to ensure thorough mixing.7. Determine the optical density of each well within 10 minutes,using a microplate reader set to 450 nm.CALCULATION OF RESULTSUsing the professional soft "Curve Exert 1.3" to make a standard curve isrecommended, which can be downloaded from our web.Average the duplicate readings for each standard, control, andsample and subtract the average zero standard optical density.Create a standard curve by reducing the data using computersoftware capable of generating a four parameter logistic (4-PL)curve-fit. As an alternative, construct a standard curve by plottingthe mean absorbance for each standard on the x-axis against theconcentration on the y-axis and draw a best fit curve through thepoints on the graph. The data may be linearized by plotting the logof the ACV-A concentrations versus the log of the O.D. and thebest fit line can be determined by regression analysis. Thisprocedure will produce an adequate but less precise fit of the data.If samples have been diluted, the concentration read from thestandard curve must be multiplied by the dilution factor.8LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE The kit should not be used beyond the expiration date on the kitlabel. Do not mix or substitute reagents with those from other lots orsources. If samples generate values higher than the highest standard,dilute the samples with the appropriate Diluent and repeat theassay. Any variation in operator, pipetting technique, washingtechnique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age cancause variation in binding. This assay is designed to eliminate interference by solublereceptors, binding proteins, and other factors present inbiological samples. Until all factors have been tested in theImmunoassay, the possibility of interference cannot beexcluded.TECHNICAL HINTS Centrifuge vials before opening to collect contents. When mixing or reconstituting protein solutions, always avoidfoaming.9 To avoid cross-contamination, change pipette tips betweenadditions of each standard level, between sample additions,and between reagent additions. Also, use separate reservoirsfor each reagent. When using an automated plate washer, adding a 30 secondsoak period following the addition of wash buffer, and/orrotating the plate 180 degrees between wash steps mayimprove assay precision. To ensure accurate results, proper adhesion of plate sealersduring incubation steps is necessary. Substrate Solution should remain colorless or light blue untiladded to the plate. Keep Substrate Solution protected from light.Substrate Solution should change from colorless or light blue togradations of blue. Stop Solution should be added to the plate in the same order asthe Substrate Solution. The color developed in the wells willturn from blue to yellow upon addition of the Stop Solution.Wells that are green in color indicate that the Stop Solution hasnot mixed thoroughly with the Substrate Solution.
兩聯(lián)薄膜過濾器特點: 1、玻璃過濾器為改進新型,符合中國藥典2010版無菌檢查法,封閉式過濾及開放式過濾兩種培養(yǎng)方式均可使用,并可反復使用。2、多種用途:(1)注射用中、西藥品,大輸液的無菌檢查。(2)微生物限度檢查,純化水,注射用水,口服中、西藥品,化妝品,食品,保健食品等雜菌計數(shù),可作半固體,混懸液,固體等樣品檢查。(3)帶導管的一次性醫(yī)療器具(如輸液袋)。(4)臨床化驗體液中的細菌檢驗,血液制品和獸藥制品的檢驗。(5)少量試驗材料的除菌過濾。3、兩種培養(yǎng)方式(1)加培養(yǎng)基至玻璃筒內,可作封閉式直接培養(yǎng)。(2)取出濾膜作好氧菌,厭氧菌和真菌培養(yǎng)。4、本儀器一次購買可長期使用,每次試驗一個濾頭損耗一張濾膜,其他部件均為耐用,多次使用,無廢物處理,符合環(huán)保(GLP)要求。貴重藥液可以回收,極大節(jié)約試驗費用。5、儀器體積:300mm×110mm×230mm(適合凈化臺內操作)。6、濾器(濾頭)容積:100mL有刻度。
金博威真空滾揉機是在真空狀態(tài)下,利用物理沖擊的原理 ,讓肉在滾筒內旋轉,達到相互摩擦、輕揉、進料腌漬的作用,使肉均勻的吸收淀粉、水或者其他輔料,提高肉的保水性及產(chǎn)品的彈性;本機具有肺呼吸功能,讓產(chǎn)品在滾筒內做膨脹,縮小的往復運動,改善了肉組織的結構,提高了切面效果,增加了出品率?梢栽鰪姳K裕纳飘a(chǎn)品的內部結構。 雞肉采用V型真空滾揉機的好處:腌制時間短,入料快;滾揉過程當中不損傷雞肉形狀外觀,不產(chǎn)生肉沫。
【卓信ZK1.5-6100V電機車】3噸窄軌架線式工礦電機車新型號:CJY3/6、7、9G250原型號ZK3-6、7、9/250-2型電機車主要技術參數(shù)名稱軌距寬度長度高度軸距粘重電壓小時制電流功率曲率半徑連續(xù)速度ZK3-6/250-2 600mm 944mm 2750mm 1550mm 850mm 3t 250v 63A6.5*2KW 6000mm 7.5KWZK376/250-2 762mm 1106mm 2750mm 1550mm 850mm 3t 250v 63A6.5*2KW 6000mm 7.5KWZK3-9/250-2 900mm 1244mm 2750mm 1550mm 850mm 3t 250v 63A6.5*2KW 6000mm 7.5KWZK3電機車采用機械制動,電壓為250V。其特點:牽引力大、速度快、運行穩(wěn)定、靈活、走行機構采用錐、正兩級傳動,壽命長、效率高,整車采用兩個獨立的減速箱,潤滑方便、深得用戶的好評。濟寧市卓信機械設備有限公司(原濟寧市卓信工礦機械廠)是生產(chǎn)工礦電機車及配套設備、備件的專業(yè)廠家,是中國電器工業(yè)協(xié)會會員單位,山東省質量信用A級單位,國家礦用安全標志MA KA認證單位,主要生產(chǎn)CJY1.5、CTY2.5、CJY3、CTY5、CJY6、CJY7、CTY8、CJY10、CTY12、CJY14、CTY18、CJY20噸電機車及其配套的牽引用硅整流設備、充電設備、直流電機、司機控制器、啟動電阻器、自動開關受電器以及配套的電機車機械配件。是一家專業(yè)從事液壓設備、礦山鑿巖設備、建筑設備及礦山施工設備的綜合性公司,產(chǎn)品一上市就得到廣大用戶的支持和青睞,是眾多煤礦供貨商首選,現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品已銷往全國各地及東南亞,為讓用戶降低成本費用,把這些質優(yōu)價廉的產(chǎn)品提供給廣大用戶。公司產(chǎn)品廣泛應用于煤炭,石油,冶金,電力,化工,機械等行業(yè),并以優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品質量,熱情的售后服務,合理的銷售價格,贏得用戶的信賴和贊譽。公司秉承“為客戶提供便利服務,為員工創(chuàng)造發(fā)展機會”的經(jīng)營理念及“進取不懈,成功盡享”的企業(yè)精神。熱忱歡迎國內外各界新老朋友前來洽談貿易,共創(chuàng)大業(yè),共鑄輝煌。祝大家身體健康,萬事如意,財源廣進。我們將把握時代脈搏,不斷創(chuàng)新、與時俱進。我們竭誠歡迎國內外客戶來公司洽談業(yè)務! 濟寧市卓信工礦設備有限公司秉承山東人的豪爽與實誠,誠邀各位專家、領導來我公司考察、指導、賜教并期盼與您真誠合作,“追求卓越”永遠是我們的主題,我們將勵精圖治,再創(chuàng)高效,力爭以先進的技術,優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品質量,為煤礦企業(yè)提供多方位的服務。 我廠以先進的管理理念,科學系統(tǒng)的管理方法,靈活的經(jīng)營機制,持續(xù)不斷的技術創(chuàng)新,努力發(fā)揮行業(yè)優(yōu)勢,與社會各界同仁一起攜手合作,竭誠為廣大客戶提供全方位的優(yōu)質服務手機:18764769169電話: 傳真:網(wǎng)站: